Status: Journal Submission Stage (Joint work with Doron Yeverechyahu and Gal Oestreicher-Singer) Does GenAI impact collaborative work? We exploit a natural experiment of GitHub Copilot launch for this study. Copilot […]

Professor of Technology at NYU Stern
Status: Journal Submission Stage (Joint work with Doron Yeverechyahu and Gal Oestreicher-Singer) Does GenAI impact collaborative work? We exploit a natural experiment of GitHub Copilot launch for this study. Copilot […]
Status: Information Systems Research (Forthcoming) (Joint work with Allen Li) Grubhub added “non-partnered” restaurants to its platform. Some restaurants complained and Californian regulators banned this practice. We use these two […]
Status: Major Revision at ISR (Joint work with Yuxin Geng and Chenshuo Sun) Enabling free-floating tradability of platform specific digital tokens without active stabilization can hurt platform and user engagement. […]
Status: Journal Submission Stage. (Joint work with Lanfei Shi and Shun Ye) Amazon changed a policy to disclose sellers’ business information (including sellers’ location) to increase transparency. However, disclosing the […]
Status: Journal Submission Stage. (Joint work with Siva Viswanathan) A large-scale randomized field experiment to improve the efficacy of Broadcast content consumption on Smart-TV by leveraging multi-screen connectivity to smart […]
Status: Management Science (Forthcoming) (Joint work with Peng Huang) A comprehensive study of how startup accelerators help Corporate VC investors in addressing the assessment and valuation problem of startups and […]
Status: Management Science (Forthcoming) (Joint work with Siva Viswanathan) Android enhanced how consumers control their private data and provided developers a time-flexibility to adopt this policy. Some apps intentionally delayed […]
Status: MIS Quarterly December 2021 (Joint work with Siva Viswanathan, Rajshree Agarwal and Shun Ye) An investigation of Airbnb’s policy change that allowed hosts to voluntarily forgo screening and how […]